Part 62: Monty Hall
Part 62: Monty HallTime for part two of our two-part special. You can probably tell why people wanted to go right here from the title.

One decision, two choices.

Music: Riddle and Puzzle 2nd Mix

What a strange size reference to use, Junpei.

I wonder how much of Junpei's attitude comes from Akane gushing over Carlos.

Akane sighs in disgust.

Can we go back to D-Team instead? I forgot how annoying these two could get.

Missing Lip Animations: 49

Junpei does his best Zero impression here.

Music: Quondam Monitors (Monty Hall) (Monitor 2nd Mix)

As usual, I'm going to start with the chair.

Someday the chair will be important!

Lots of screens on this machine, and some of them are on already, so let's take a look.

That looks a lot like the crane from Manufacturing. We never did do anything with that, did we?

Each arrow moves the crane in a particular direction, and makes a captioned sound while doing so. Down = "Znnnuurr", Left = "Whirrrrrr", Up = "Guurrrrrr", Right = "Vrrrreeee". And activating the claw is "Ding dong", but otherwise doesn't do anything yet. We probably have to move the claw to a particular location, first.

Right below we have some blank monitors.

More monitors on the upper left...

Nearby is an image of a door with some letters.

Not sure what room that door is from, but I'm sure we'll be back here later.

Another monitor displaying a weird image further to the right.

Zooming in doesn't do anything, but zooming out gives us a more complete picture. Not sure what to do with this one yet, either.

The position of these things seemed important so I traced them onto the memo pad.

More blank monitors above the image of the shutter.

Yeah, none of these buttons actually do anything.

Right above them is a monitor showing an image that appears to be from the Biolab.

One last set of monitors in the middle.

Next to the console with all the monitors is some kind of switchboard for power.

Not sure what to do here yet, let's keep looking.

What we're really here for is this card.

Looks an awful lot like a certain console we were just looking at.

Some weird colored pedastals around the room.

Looks like we found what the colored letters on the door in the monitor go with. The monitor had a red "S" and a pink "W", but I didn't see a green one.

The intercom here can be messed with.

More numbers in boxes.

Page two of the memo pad is now dedicated to this numbers-in-boxes puzzle.

Anything else in here?

The red pedestal is the same as the green one, with no new dialogue. I set it to "S" and move on.

That's an awfully big plug, there.

Well the plug leads to this machine, what does it do?

Nothing on that machine, how about this one?

Yeah both of these machines are just decorative. Moving on...

This poster looks familiar.

Junpei you're going to get yourself slapped again.

Is The Matrix still cool? I kind of thought most people drifted away from it after the third movie.

The poster obviously has something to do with the power switchboard across the room, but what?

Below the poster are some lockers.

More machines further to the right.

Yeah that one's also just decorative. There are two more pedestals just below, though.

I think this one's blue and the next one is pink, but I can't quite tell. I set them both to "W" just to be safe, but nothing happened.

Another machine, with another locker.

Probably, but we don't know it yet.

Do firefighters deal with a lot of radiation, too?

Anyway, this puzzle seems to correspond to another one of the monitor images, but the cylinders were all off in that one so we don't know how to light them up yet.

Not sure if there was a puzzle cut here or what, but the light switches are the only thing we deal with on this machine.

One last machine in this room. First, the compartment at the bottom.

Okay, what else do we have here?

These monitors never do anything, either.

Neither does the input device on the side.

These buttons don't do anything, either. Same dialogue and everything. While we're here, though, does this machine look familiar at all to you?

Reminds me of one of those monitor images. Let me check my notes.

Kind of lines up. Let's see if I can rotate all these knobs to match the picture.

Not shown: Me going back and forth between the puzzle and the memo pad a half-dozen times. I miss the extra screen from the 3DS sometimes.

Ooh, lasers.

Good thing there's a hint on examining these parts, because the name is totally useless.

Just combine them with the sunglasses...

Might as well check them out in order.

Lines connecting five boxes on each side, with another high-voltage symbol. Looks important, better write it down.

Eh, good enough. I forgot what labels went onto each side, but we can figure that out later.

Let's check out B mode on the sunglasses next.

Four images from the Healing Room, with different projections set. Come to think of it, it's pretty convenient that we're doing Control so close to the end, so we can understand all the references to the other puzzle rooms.

C mode is just a password prompt. Can't do anything with this one yet, either.

There's also a card in the locker, which I add to my second page notes.

Not sure why the monitors and input devices are here but nothing ever happens with them.

Let's add some labels to my crude drawing from the poster. You might be wondering why that would be necessary.

Well, it's because the order of the labels on the actual switchboard is different. If you tried to recreate the picture from the sunglasses directly here, it wouldn't work. Instead, you have to translate using the poster, and then connect the same pairs from the poster on the switchboard. From my crude drawing above, we have 4-V, 1-II, 2-III, 5-I, and 3-IV.

I would show you the whole solution, but that involved me going back and forth to the memo screen several times again. Here's the end state, though.

Okay let's take another look at the monitor then.

I hate all the color-based puzzles in this game. The dialogue didn't tell me what color was what so I looked it up, even though I'm pretty sure I could tell. I totally missed that the pink now said "SW" instead of "W" though, because it's invisible to me in the picture and I missed it in the dialogue. Anyway, I went looking for another hint by clicking again:

Again, I was so disappointed that they didn't tell me the colors that I missed that they explicitly told me that pink was now "SW" instead of "W".

Between not being confident in the color of the blue/pink pedestals and not realizing that the pink direction changed from "W" to "SW", it took several minutes for me to get this one right.

Our reward is a new pedestal.

The light going off, means some of the cylinders are now glowing in the dark?

These pretty obviously correspond to the radiation buttons across the room. I'll just take a quick note...

The hint gets more explicit on the second click:

Just click to turn each button off or on.

Fair enough.

Combine with the sunglasses, and we now have audio!

Yeah, same three modes as before. Will having audio help one of them?

A mode has no change, and C mode still wants a password. So let's see if we can hear anything in B mode.

Now each image comes with a sound, which thankfully is captioned.

Oh right, we also got the last of these cards.

Not the neatest handwriting, but it'll be okay.

I had to go back and write down what sounds each button made, but we've got the solution. Here it is at double speed:

Oh, the monitors have letters, and the cards have numbers. Guess we have to line them all up.

Now we know which number goes with which letter. But what does it mean? Well, we have the numbers 1-14 once each, so let's try arranging each letter in order of its corresponding number.

BETESTEDBYFIRE. Sounds ominous, but for now I think we had a password prompt that could use this phrase.

So we pull up C mode in the sunglasses again.

Looks like Zero? What's he doing?

Oh, he's messing with the pedestals.

I wrote these down as they showed up in the video file.

Something comes out of the floor.

Looks like that's where the giant plug goes?

Carlos tells us exactly what to do. I'll spare you the screenshots of me turning each pedestal to match what was in the video. When we get the last one in place...

Nothing left to do but plug in the cable.



No music here, just the roaring fire.

Hissing as the carbon dioxide extinguisher activates.

Bye-bye, fire. Well, that was anticlimactic.

Music: Consternation 2nd Mix

Missing Lip Animations: 50

Junpei starts gasping.

So does Akane.

Welcome back, computer lady. Last time we saw one of these was the Rec Room I think? That bodes well.

[Computer Lady:] Within one of them...there is an oxygen mask.

A drumbeat for each reaction shot.

Well, at least it's better than 1 in 216? No hints. We'll have to go with our gut...


Music: Moral Dilemma (Annihilation 3rd Mix)

I could just leave it here, and ask you all to pick randomly between ten equal options, but where would be the fun in that. I asked my three-year-old what his favorite number was, and he said "two", so we'll just go with that. If you got the fragment title reference, you probably are already expecting something more to this one...

Anyway, pick any locker you like, then hit "OK".

Music: Trepidation 2nd Mix

[Computer Lady:] I know...which locker contains the oxygen mask...
Somehow the computer lady manages to sound sinister during this speech.

Eight lockers are opened. That's a pretty nice dynamic animation, actually. The game doesn't know which locker we'd pick, or which random other one is going to stay closed. Unless they animated it 90 times and just picked the one to match the current situation. Maybe that's where all the lip animation budget went.

Thus, the fragment title.

Thanks, computer lady. Looks like we get one last opportunity to change our decision.

Junpei starts cackling. I don't think it's that kind of gas, Junpei.

And Akane's down before she can tell us the solution again. Feels a lot like the Infirmary.

Heartbeats again.

Music: Moral Dilemma (Annihilation 3rd Mix)

Okay, now we've reached the real decision. Our two options here are best phrased as follows: Stick with our original decision, or switch to the other locker? Choose a locker.